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First, please allow me to share a little about this ministry. Although Calvary Outreach Church is a small congregation, in the past several years God has increased our ministry to share the gospel though Simply Christ and Behold the Lamb Books with believers in over one-hundred and fifty nations. So many have expressed how this message of freedom from sin through the shed blood of Jesus Christ has completely changed their walk with God.
Since 1989 we have held revival Campmeetings with believers from many parts of America joining us to worship God in these special services. We have found that if we are faithful to seek the Lord, he is faithful to visit us with the glory of his presence. I would be honored if you would consider joining us in these upcoming services.
We have a limited number of private rooms available on a first call basis, as well as both a men’s and a women’s dormitory. All rooms are offered without charge on a first call basis. Meals are served without charge in the church dining hall for the duration of the Campmeeting.
The first service is Thursday, April 10th at 7:00pm. On Friday and Saturday there will be four services each day at 9:00am, 10:00am, 2:00pm, and 7:00pm. On Sunday, services will be 10:00am and 11:00am.
The Campmeeting will be held at Calvary Outreach Church, which is located about twenty-five miles north of Houston Texas. The address is 14529 Chapperal Pipeline Road Conroe, TX 77302. If you would like to reserve a room for these services please provide your name, contact information, # of guests, and which nights you need the room. We have hookups for RV’s and can provide Hotel information if preferred. You may email us at or call 281-572-9200. I look forward to seeing you in Campmeeting!
Pastor Keith Surface - Calvary Outreach Ministries